Friday, 14 April 2017

Farewell to a Friend

A mucker from my youth Ewan Grant who lived at lower Carnoch passed away in New Zealand yesterday. Ewen and I fished and "borrowed" a few Salmon for beer and parties as youths (when they were plentiful) along with fellow friend and compatriot Ian Clark. I think it fair to say we were all a bit wild.

We also had a few mountain adventures and misadventures. When we were sixteen along with two others we were rescued from a gully on the N. Face of Aonach Dubh by Hamish, Walter and Wull in winter conditions late at night when the rope ran out with me hanging off the end. Given the conditions we were lucky to get away with hypothermia and frost nip. I never wore jeans climbing again, even if Levi jeans were the most stylish. A good bollocking from Sandy Whellans the local police Sergeant was well deserved for our general stupidity, and made a change from him forcibly removing us for under age drinking at Clachaig every Saturday night, or being chased in a relatives "borrowed" car to meet up with girls.

Ewen emigrated when only nineteen and made a good life in New Zealand having married a local North Island lass and made a family there. His older brother John is a well known local mountaineer and sailor and thoughts are with him and Ewen's family at a difficult time. I daresay Ian Clark like myself will raise a glass tonight and think of Ewen and his beaming wry smile, and reflect on the many parties, girls, alcohol, police chases and general mayhem of the time. Rest in peace old friend.