Sunday, 21 October 2012

Indian Summer & Winter Around The Corner

Bridge of Coe

Glorious weather and time for an "off season".  36 races this past 7 months including some 96 + milers so I am feeling my age and tired. We had a great week in London and it's been nice to come back to such nice balmy weather.  Long walks watching the last of the salmon running and enjoying the autumn colors along with the odd easy run to keep my legs working.
Real Time MRT at Work in Tromso x 4 Buried
Now is time to for me to think ahead to the coming ski season and avalanche & off piste training.  I have a new wireless beacon park on the way from the states for Glencoe Mountain who have hosted the first UK on snow one for 3 years.  BCA avlx kit continues to be developing and in my opinion is the best kit available.  This years "Float" air bag systems are light and reliable and very good value.  

I was invited to join the faculty for avalanche for Scottish MR but sadly find that I simply don't have the time to give them at the moment due to work and family commitments. I might manage the odd lecture for them but can't help on their courses. I wish them well though as they have come a long way with training.  My lecture commitments are less as time is less, but I am doing one local one on avalanche at the Clachaig in Feb 2013 sponsored by Mammut. I also represent ski patrol (along with Keith and Bill) on the new avalanche faculty for FIPS but this won't mean much work until the next congress in Canada.
Ripping the powder - with an airbag!
Myself and a few other pro level avalancher's and skiers continue to benefit from our ambassador roles for Anatom and Dynafit promoting this top brand, skiing the excellent kit and hopefully giving something back to Anatom who have done a lot for mountain safety by providing the beacon parks at Glenmore, Glencoe and Nevis Range.  For you folks out there wanting Freeride kit its time to let me know as orders are going in.  Dynafit is the very best and lightest and for off piste safety you just can't beat BCA kit.  Rescuers maybe need to upgrade to the BCA SAR range of probes and shovels for prolonged searching. If your into the real steep and deep then you need "Preachers" from Whitedot.  A couple of us locally are in "dots dozen" and can vouch for these fat boys.

Stay Safe
Give me a call if you need anything

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